The ALLIANCEs strategic plan sets out the organisations priorities for 2023 - 2028.

The ALLIANCE have launched their five year strategic plan ‘Strengthening our Collective Voice’. The plan sets out six strategic priorities that help us achieve our vision for:

‘A Scotland where everyone has a strong voice and enjoys their right to live well with dignity and respect.’

To advance towards the goals of our mission and purpose, our strategic priorities for 2023-2028 are:

• Strengthening our collective voice
• Increasing meaningful involvement and impact of people with lived experience
• Scaling and embedding successful development work
• Addressing health inequalities with a focus on those who face multiple barriers
• Human rights -based approaches by modelling and supporting rights in action
• Developing a stronger ALLIANCE.

These six strategic priorities are interrelated, working together to strengthen each other and will support the difference we are seeking to make, how we make the biggest impact, and our focus over the coming years. 

For a BSL version of our strategic plan, please visit the ALLIANCE YouTube channel.

For more information, please contact

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