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Self Management Week 2020

Next week will kick off Self Management Week 2020 (28 September - 2 October) for a busy week of activities and digital events on the theme of My Wellbeing, My Life.

Get involved in the week and help us raise awareness of self management by downloading our Self Management Week 2020 toolkit to spread the word on social media, or support continued learning around self management approaches by joining our digital events throughout the week.

During Self Management Week, can you:

• Tweet or promote Self Management Week across your social media channels?
• Join one of our digital events?
• Let us know if you have any activities planned for the week?
• Speak about self management with your family, friends and colleagues?
• Share your self management story?

Get involved in My Wellbeing, My Life and celebrate Self Management Week 2020

Self Management Week 2020 events – at a glance

Discover the digital events planned for 'My Wellbeing, My Life' Self Management Week 2020 (28 September – 2 October).
Read the full story on our website

Download our Self Management Week resources

To aide conversations around self management with the people you support or others in your community download our pack of Self Management Week resources which include A4 posters, info graphics and data sheets.

These resources cover what self management is, what it can look like in practice and how you can access support.

Download our Self Management Week resources

Self Management Week 2020 toolkit available for download

Self Management Week 2020 will take place 28 September – 2 October and a new toolkit has launched to support you to get involved.
Read the full story on our website
Self Management Week Events

Get in touch

How are you celebrating Self Management Week 2020?

Let us know if you are planning any activities or events to mark My Wellbeing, My Life or if you have a self management story you'd like to share during the week.

Contact the Self Management Team

Visit us online
Self Management Week 2020 - Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland