Cost of living eased by integrated community spirit in Aberdeenshire
"More people are leaning on the NHS, so if we can do our bit, we can improve the benefits for our communities"
The cost of living crisis continues to affect people across Scotland, with remote and rural communities hit hard. But in Aberdeenshire, the Maud Village Trust, in partnership with NHS Grampian, is undertaking vital work to ensure the local community are supported in these times, with integrated ways of working firmly at the core.
The Trust set up the ‘Just Ask Maud’ project to provide direct support to those facing financial hardship. By emphasising the importance of forging compassionate relationships with your neighbours and overcoming barriers as a collective, General Manager, Vicki Brown, explains that the project is rooted in integrated practices for the benefit of the community.
“The project is delivered in partnership with the Public Health team [at NHS Grampian], who we have a very good relationship with”, Vicki says. “We take referrals from anybody, and it’s around things like warm clothing, food, and last year there was a big focus on energy support.”
Alongside the invaluable partnership with NHS Grampian, the ‘Just Ask’ project utilises partnership working across the north-east, collaborating with third sector organisations such as the Ythan Valley Rotary for clothing, the Trussell Trust for food banks, and Stella’s Voice for homeware products such as furniture and crockery.
“Generally, we’re providing essential support to people who are really genuinely struggling with the cost of living crisis”, Vicki says. “That’s what we’re here for, to make sure that those extra essentials that people can’t afford just now are provided, so it’s inclusive, which I think is really important.”
Given that Maud is located in a remote part of Aberdeenshire, overcoming the barriers associated with the cost of living crisis has been particularly difficult due to a variety of reasons, including funding cuts and transport restraints. But with a strong sense of community, Vicki says that the ‘conversation cafe’ created by the Trust has become both a warm space and a vehicle for community togetherness, highlighting the key themes of integration at play.
“The conversation cafe’s primary focus at the start was on mental health, but now it’s become a multitude of things, including a warm space”, Vicki added. “Everybody is using it for different reasons, and that’s what it’s about – trying to make these services feel like they’re the norm so people can just access them when times are hard, so it’s about connection with your community.”
In championing that community involvement and allowing those authentic relationships to develop, Vicki says that the ‘Just Ask’ project has also encouraged those who don’t need help to come forward and offer financial support to others who might be struggling.
“It’s motivated everybody in the community to think about others”, Vicki says. “We recently asked for some high-quality warm clothing, and the support we got was immense, with people really focused on making sure everyone around them had good quality clothing too, so I think it just creates a great community spirit.”
With there being a greater emphasis on social prescribing across the health agenda, Vicki hopes that people and their communities will truly be at the centre of their own health and wellbeing moving forward, with integrated ways of working fundamental to its success.
“We have to appreciate how many more people are leaning on the NHS, so if we can do our bit, we can improve the benefits for our communities”, Vicki says. “It is about trying to influence the health agenda, and so it’s about keeping people active and working with the current needs and demands of our communities.”
You can read more about ‘Just Ask Maud’ and the partnership with NHS Grampian by visiting the Maud Village Trust website:
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