The funding of £3.6 million will sustain this vital service for the next three years at its current level.

The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) are delighted by today’s announcement from the Scottish Government that they have provided additional funding for the Community Links Worker programme in Glasgow City. 

The funding of £3.6 million will sustain this vital service for the next three years at its current level.  This announcement reinforces the Scottish Government commitment to the programme and addresses the funding gap identified by Glasgow Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

The ALLIANCE has been delivering the Community Links Worker Programme in Glasgow, working in partnership with GPs at the Deep End, since establishing the pilot in 2013, which was funded by Scottish Government.  

Susan Young Chief Officer of Operations at the ALLIANCE said:

“We are pleased that the Scottish Government have provided sustained funding for this crucial programme in Glasgow.  The uncertainty over funding has been an incredibly concerning time for the ALLIANCE, Community Links Workers, GP Practice teams and most importantly the people they work with.”

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