The ALLIANCE has responded to the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee inquiry on the Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-2032

The Health and Social Care Alliance (the ALLIANCE) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee’s inquiry on the Scottish Government and COSLA’s Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-2032.

The ALLIANCE broadly agrees with its content and the priorities and actions identified. The Strategy has the potential to achieve its vision of reducing the number of suicide deaths.

However, this will depend on ongoing sustained funding, including for the third sector, and successfully delivering a ‘whole of the community’ approach in practice.

We think the commitment in the Strategy to collaborate across national and local levels is positive. To achieve wraparound care and a “no wrong door” approach to support, it is essential that there is consistent awareness of and support for suicide prevention across the policy landscape in Scotland.

In our response, the ALLIANCE highlights that:

  • It is imperative that policy coherence is considered and embedded throughout the Strategy design, implementation and evaluation.
  • Action to deliver the Strategy is explicitly based on equality, intersectionality and human rights, using the AAAQ framework and PANEL principles.
  • Current funding needs to be sustained over the 10 year Strategy lifespan, and that funding for third sector organisations must be prioritised, in line with Fair Funding commitments.
  • Co-production should be embedded throughout the development, delivery and evaluation of the strategy, with an emphasis on engaging with people with lived experience, those from the ACE’s community, families, unpaid carers and the third sector.
  • Investment should be made in services that reduce demand for acute interventions, and are based in the community.

You can read the full response via the link below.

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