Read the joint letter to the UK government calling on it to cease evading scrutiny of the United Nations on the issue of food poverty.

We have joined more than 80 charities and civil society bodies to call on Rishi Sunak to reverse a decision to block a UK visit by the United Nations inspector on food poverty until after the election.

The letter calls for the government to cease evading the scrutiny of the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Professor Michael Fakhri. It states that now is an opportune time for a country visit from the UN food expert, as rates of food bank usage and poverty are steadily rising.

The letter has been signed by a wide range of UK based civil society organisations, including food banks, disability organisations, women’s groups, and human rights organisations, showing the level of impact that the issue of food poverty has across the spectrum of society.

You can read the full letter here.

On 22 May 2024 , a response to the letter was received from the UK Minister for Food, Farming and Fisheries, Sir Mark Spencer MP. He indicated that the joint letter had been passed to Defra (the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) for a response, and that the UK Government would welcome a visit by the Special Rapporteur.

He indicated that this decision is led by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), who agreed with the Special Rapporteur’s office earlier in 2024 that it would not be feasible to invite him this year. They suggested he undertake the visit in 2025. Sir Mark Spencer’s letter concludes by noting that the Special Rapporteur said that he would consider the invitation within the context of his agenda and will reach out to FCDO once there is a proposal with potential dates.

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