Regardless of who is First Minister, there must be progress on social care reform, human rights, and health inequalities.

This week, First Minister Humza Yousaf announced his intention to resign, pending the appointment of a successor. The ALLIANCE has enjoyed a positive working relationship with Mr Yousaf during his time as Health Secretary and First Minister. We welcomed his consistent support for investment in community-based approaches through the Self Management Fund, and for the meaningful involvement of people with lived experience, including in the design of a post mesh service. We were also pleased to welcome him to speak at our 2022 Annual Conference, at the Self Management Awards, and on an ALLIANCE Live podcast. We wish him the best for the future.

The ALLIANCE recognises that the current political and financial circumstances in Scotland are challenging. However, regardless of who the next First Minister is, it is essential that they do not lose sight of the need to make progress on NHS recovery, rebalancing healthcare investment towards prevention, reform of social care in line with the Feeley Review, reducing health inequalities, maximally incorporating human rights, and the long term stability of the third sector. This must be underpinned by a fair and sustainable approach to taxation and revenue raising, which works towards realising human rights and delivering on the government’s obligations to tackle poverty and climate change.

The ALLIANCE will continue to engage constructively as a critical friend of the Scottish Government over the coming period. We also trust that the Scottish Parliament as a whole shares our desire to see the best possible outcomes for disabled people, people living with long term conditions, and unpaid carers, as part of wider progress on building a fairer, more equitable society.

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