Discover Digital launch a small grants programme, allocating a mixture of ‘discovery’ and ‘enabler’ grants’.

Since 2020, Discover Digital has been involved in ongoing engagement, promoting digital and health literacy, developing meaningful signposting and supporting the wider digital health and social care landscape. During this period the programme has collected extended insight regarding the needs and barriers to digital health and care access.

We hope that our Inclusion and Participation Grants will not only support grassroots and third sector organisations to continue ongoing dialogue with people and communities exploring these issues, but also allow them to act on the intelligence they gather

The Inclusion and Participation Grants will provide a mixture of ‘Discovery’ small grants (up to £3,000 per organisation, 6-month projects) and ‘Enabler’ longer term grants (up to £15,000 per organisation, 18-month projects).

The Discovery grants are aimed at engaging seldom heard and minority communities in conversation around digital health and social care and surfacing barriers to adoption that they face and the support required to remove these barriers. The Enabler grants will be building on newfound knowledge from previous citizen engagement and support projects to tackle access barriers, with the aim of supporting the digital inclusion and adoption of digital health and social care solutions amongst the targeted populations. We are also looking for applicants to embed our Human Rights Principles for Digital Health and Social Care within their applications for both funds to ensure the promotion of good practice and person centre outcomes.

The Inclusion and Participation Grants will be open from the 24 August 2022 and will close at 5pm on Wednesday 14 September. For guidance on how to apply please check our website where you will find our

  • Guidance Document
  • Discovery Grant Application Form
  • Enabler Grant Application Form

For any other enquiries please do not hesitate to get in touch by calling 0141 404 0231 and asking for our Digital Health and Social Care Team or emailing

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