The ALLIANCE and Scottish Government are sharing key resources on menopause in the workplace.

The symptoms of menopause can have a real and detrimental impact on women, and those who experience menopause, in the workplace. It is important that they are offered workplace support – as well as line managers and employers so that they are able to provide it.

In the run up to World Menopause Day on 18th October, the ALLIANCE and Scottish Government are pleased to share some key resources focused on menopause and the workplace. These resources follow on from an ALLIANCE webinar on the topic held in August 2022, and pick up on information shared by speakers. It is hoped that these resources can highlight the experiences of menopausal transition in the workplace, as well as providing clear steps for employers to follow to support their employees.

You can access all the resources here, and see below for details of each.

Menopause is a key priority within the Scottish Government’s Women’s Health Plan (2021-2024), which is delivering on specific actions around improving menopause support and access to services and information. The ALLIANCE is supporting the Women’s Health Plan through a dedicated workstream that engages with lived experience.

Menopause and the Workplace, webinar recording
The webinar explored the impact that menopause can have within the workplace, effective support that can be put in place by employers, and an example of putting menopause workplace policy into practice. Access it on Youtube here (this link will take you away from our website)
Chair: Irene Oldfather, ALLIANCE Director
Panel: Professor Kat Riach, University of Glasgow
Dr Katrin Bjornsson, NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Menopause and the Workplace: Graphics
The graphic explores visually the topics of discussion from the webinar. The graphic was created by Clare Mills, from Listen Think Draw.
See also a complementary graphic on myths surrounding menopause, that explored discussion areas from another webinar hosted by the ALLIANCE in December 2021.

Webinar powerpoint slides
Professor Kat Riach and Dr Katrin Bjornsson have made available their powerpoint slides used within the webinar. Also included are slides from Lindsey Millen from Close the Gap, who was unable to attend the session on the day.
These slides cover the context of menopause in the workplace, what people experience, ways that you can be supported (including legislation), and examples of putting effective policy into practice.

Let’s Talk About Menopause – workplace leaflet from NHS Ayrshire and Arran
This example of a workplace information leaflet on menopause for staff was produced by NHS Ayrshire and Arran as part of their broader internal menopause initiatives.

Webinar Q&A
The Q&A portion of the webinar explored a number of areas around menopause and supporting people going through menopausal transition in the workplace. You can access a copy of questions submitted by the audience, and the panel’s answers.

Menopause 101 video
In this short clip Dr Kay McAllister, Consultant Gynaecologist in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare at NHS GGC Sandyford, provides an overview of the Menopause. Dr McAllister answers common questions on the Menopause – including when and why it happens, main symptoms, treatment options and where to get information. Access it on YouTube here (this link will take you away from our website)

Close the Gap, Employer Menopause briefing
This briefing, published by Close the Gap, is for employers who want to ensure their organisation can provide their employees who are experiencing menopause with the support they need. You can access the briefing on Close the Gap’s website here (this link will take you away from our website)

Irene Oldfather, ALLIANCE Director of Strategy and Engagement, says:

“On World Menopause Day it’s great to review the progress being made in taking women’s health and wellbeing issues out of the shadows. We’ve received a tremendous response from women to our information and discussion sessions on menopause. It’s right that this month we think about how each of us can contribute towards stigma free conversations about how as communities, employers, friends and family we can support women to have quality working lives over their life course”

To stay up-to-date with the ALLIANCE’s work to support the Women’s Health Plan, including future events and further resources sign up to our mailing list. Email

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