Do you have to ask people to repeat what they say, need to increase the volume on your TV, or have difficulty following group conversations?

Deaf Action’s lipreading courses are tailored for adults aged 16+ with any degree of deafness and who use spoken English to communicate with other people.

Courses are free to attend and take place on a weekly basis from the 16th of January 2024, led by an experienced teacher of lipreading for adults.

Lipreading courses can provide you with the opportunity for self-help, mutual support, and friendship with people who understand your problems. Specifically, you will learn:

  • The different shapes that sounds make on the lips
  • Which sounds look the same on the lips and how to use context and other clues to tell the difference
  • Communication tactics that can support lipreading and encourage you to manage hearing loss more effectively e.g. how best to position yourself in a group conversation
  • How to discuss problems and solutions to everyday situations such as having a meal in a restaurant or going to the doctor.

Course details:

In-person course: Every Tuesday between 10am and 12pm at St Vincent’s Centre for the Deaf, 144 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 2RQ.

Online course: Every Tuesday from 7pm – 9pm via Zoom.

Please register your interest by visiting Deaf Action’s website or emailing

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