Deafblind Scotland calls for signatories for a Scottish definition of Deafblindness

Deafblind Scotland is working with the Cross-party Group on Deafness to lead a campaign aimed at gathering support for the adoption of a formal definition of deafblindness in Scotland.

This definition is:

Deafblindness is a combined vision and hearing impairment of such severity that it is hard for the impaired senses to compensate for each other. Thus, deafblindness is a distinct disability.

To varying degrees, deafblindness limits activities and restricts full participation in society. It affects social life, communication, access to information, orientation, and the ability to move around freely and safely. To help compensate for the combined vision and hearing impairment, especially the tactile sense becomes important. (

The full Nordic Definition on Deafblindness can be viewed here:

Supporting the Campaign
We would appreciate your support in sharing the campaign and giving yourself/your organisations support by signing the declaration.

To sign the declaration please contact with your name, designation and the organisation you support (if this applies). Deafblind Scotland will then add you name to the signatory list.

Thank you for your support.

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