Flash report and recording of our virtual roundtable on transitions into adulthood now available.

In 2022, the Scottish Government asked CELCIS to gather evidence to inform decision-making about how best to deliver children’s services in Scotland in light of the proposed National Care Service and a commitment to Keep the Promise of the Independent Care Review (2020). The Children’s Services Reform Research addresses the question: “What is needed to ensure that children, young people and families get the help they need, when they need it?

As the previous year came to a close, IFIC Scotland, in partnership with the ALLIANCE hosted a virtual roundtable event on ‘Integrated care for children and young people and transitions to adult services’ welcoming over 160 participants from across Scotland, from different sectors to reflect on this question and on the commitment to introduce a National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy for disabled young people.

We were thrilled to welcome a diverse group of professionals from various sectors, each bringing a wealth of valuable experience to our roundtable. A flash report (available below) from the event is now available containing highlights from speakers and further resources alongside a recording of the event.

Moving forward, the ALLIANCE continues their representation on the National Transitions into Adulthood Strategy for disabled young people external working group. If you wish to discuss any of your work around transitions, please get in touch with our Marianne Tyler, Senior Development Officer for Children and Young People by emailing GIRFEC@alliance-scotland.org.uk

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