Good Medical Practice, overseen by the GMC, sets out the standards of care and behaviour expected of all medical professionals.

Good Medical Practice (GMP) is an ethical framework that supports medical professionals to deliver safe care to a good standard, in the interests of patients. It covers areas including:  

  • Making the care of patients the first concern.
  • Providing a good standard of practice and care, and working within competence.
  • Working in partnership with patients and supporting them to make informed decisions about their care.
  • Treating colleagues with respect and help to create an environment that is compassionate, supportive and fair.
  • Acting with honesty and integrity and being open if things go wrong.
  • Protecting and promoting the health of patients and the public.

GMP was reviewed and revised by the General Medical Council (GMC) in close consultation with medical professionals, patients, and others. Lucy Mulvagh, the ALLIANCE’s Director of Policy, Research and Impact, was a member of the GMP review advisory forum.

Good Medical Practice can be read and downloaded from the GMC website.

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