The ALLIANCE engagement work contributes to the development of Scotland’s first Women’s Health Plan.

Today the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) publishes, Scotland’s First Women’s Health Plan – How Scotland’s women want to plan future services. This report summarises findings from several events held in January 2021 to gather women’s lived experiences of accessing healthcare in Scotland.

These events were held as part of the work of the Lived Experience subgroup, chaired by ALLIANCE Director Irene Oldfather, of the Scottish Government’s Women’s Health Plan group.

The aim of the Women’s Health Plan is to tackle women’s health and inequalities by raising awareness around women’s health, improving access to healthcare for all women at all stages of life and reducing inequalities in health outcomes for girls and women.

These events follow a Women’s Health Lived Experience Survey hosted by the ALLIANCE in 2020 and aimed to bring women together to discuss their experiences in greater detail and feed their ideas for change directly into the recommendations of the plan.

Irene Oldfather, the ALLIANCE’s Director of Strategy and Engagement says of the publication:

‘I am very grateful to all women who gave of their time to help us inform Scotland’s first ever Women’s Health Plan. It was good to have women themselves, including carers and those with mental health issues, at the front and centre of the work. The ALLIANCE looks forward to continuing to be involved in women’s health matters and to seeing the final Woman’s Health Plan in the coming months’

You can download the report below.

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