Irene works with external partners to promote and enhance the ALLIANCE’s collaborative opportunities.

Irene represents the ALLIANCE on a range of national and Advisory bodies including the Health and Social Care Partners Group, the IHub Board, the Focus on Dementia Advisory Forum, Living Well in Communities Board.

As Scotland’s Third Sector representative on the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) working across the ALLIANCE and third sector to ensure a strong voice for the Sector in this difficult and uncertain pre Brexit environment.

On a day to day basis Irene manages key areas of ALLIANCE activity such as Carer Voices, Sensory Impairment, Neurological Conditions, Our Voice and Self Management.

As a former MSP and Chair of the Scottish Parliament European and External Affairs Committee she maintains a keen interest in parliamentary activities.

Special interests:

  • Older People and Dementia including Charter of Rights for People with Dementia developed in Parliament
  • Integration – driving change and improvement
  • Working with European partners to share knowledge  and practice
  • Public Health/Prevention Agenda
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Opinions written by Irene