Janis works with the Scottish Government and stakeholders to co-ordinate and raise awareness of the Sensory Strategy.

Janis works with ALLIANCE membership and the Scottish Sensory Hub to promote and support development. She is a deaf professional working in the field of inclusion, human rights and all the related sensory issues.

Janis has a wealth of experience working within the public sector in community based mental health services and then moving to the third sector working in addictions and homelessness. Her expertise in intermediaries covers both homelessness and third sector interface development.

Janis is passionate about inclusion and wellbeing, particularly interested in accessible information and the dynamic process of inclusive communication.

Across her career, she has enjoyed many highlights, including developing ROAR in Renfrewshire through public-social partnership funding; involvement in several legislative reviews; and contributing effectively to the BSL (Scotland) Act.

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Opinions written by Janis