Exploring people’s views on how information can be better used for health and wellbeing.

The My World My Health project was delivered by the ALLIANCE and the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre between November 2020 and March 2021. Its aim was to shine a light on the factors that contribute to our wellbeing, but aren’t necessarily ‘medical’ in nature. For example, we might all think of medications, doctors and hospitals as having an obvious impact on our health. We might perhaps even consider diet and exercise. But what about our employment, home life and even the community or society that we live in?

To understand more about the topic, see our opinion piece on this subject or listen to our project podcast (this link will take you away from our website).

The project was one of the four partnerships commissioned by Nesta (this link will take you away from our website) on behalf of the Scottish Government, to conduct dialogues with Scottish citizens on their approaches to data sharing and service design.

We discovered helpful insights through our workshops and a survey, including:

  • Those living with sensory loss were highly likely to collect information about their daily habits, meetings, and commitments.
  • People mostly preferred relationships based on trust where they were empowered to share such information themselves when relevant.
  • People were more likely to consider data sharing if there was a clear benefit to themself, others or wider society.

You can explore all these insights, and more, by reading the full report. Along with this, Nesta has published reports from the other projects (this link will take you away from our website): Fictional Pharmacy, Scotland on Mars and Care Data Futures.

Findings from these projects have also been expressed in the form of seven relationships, that people living in Scotland have with health and social care data. Nesta has developed an interactive website (this link will take you away from our website) where you can explore these relationships in more detail.

Email us at DHCscot@alliance-scotland.org.uk if you have any questions about this project or if you want to receive further updates straight to your inbox.