Integration Support
The programme aims to increase the third sector’s capacity to contribute to health and social care integration.
Our programme uses a variety of methods to support the third sector’s ability to influence the direction of health and social care integration in Scotland. As a team, we use our platform to promote and champion the role of the third sector. We also play a role in ensuring that the voice of lived experience is able to influence the design and delivery of integrated services.
As well as this, we collate intelligence around the successful implementation in Scotland, identifying and sharing examples of good practice.
Some recent highlights of the Integration Support team’s activities include our review of Integration Authority strategic priorities and our Connected Communities case studies series, which highlights how organisations are supporting health and social care integration in their communities across Scotland. Our team also supports the IJB Lived Experience Representatives Network, the Community of Practice – Lived Experience and Knowledge Hub.
In addition to this, we support the Humans of Scotland project and ALLIANCE Live outputs, such as case study films, that align to integration.
If you would like to read more about the work that we are doing have a look at our news section and Twitter page. If you have any questions about any of our work, you can get in touch with the Integration Support team at
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