Integration Planning and Key Documents

This page aims to help you find the relevant legislation regarding integration, with additional information about its content.
The Integration Planning and Delivery Principles help inform integration activity that should be delivered to achieve the nine national health and wellbeing outcomes. They set a tone for both the national guidance and local implementation of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.
The Integration Planning and Delivery Principles aim to build a system that complements and builds on people’s natural assets, supports them to live well, is joined-up from the perspective of people who access services and is built around the needs and aspirations of people who access services. They also aim to enable investment to be targeted where it is most needed, by making it easier for money to flow between the different parts of the system.
Further Reading:
- Integration Planning and Delivery Principles (this link will take you away from our website)
- Nine National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes (this link will take you away from our website)
- Guidance for Health and Wellbeing Outcomes (this link will take you away from our website)
Key Documents:
The key documents that explain the role, remit and purpose of the new Integration Authorities include:
- Integration Scheme
- Strategic Plan
- Locality Plan
The Integration Scheme contains operational arrangements that ensure effective planning and delivery of the functions of the Integration Authority. Take a look at the guidance on what must be included in an Integration Scheme (this link will take you away from our website).
The Strategic Plan sets out the Integration Authority’s longer term vision for what services should look like, the challenges to achieving this vision and provide some level of needs analysis. Stakeholders must be fully engaged in the preparation, publication and review of the strategic commissioning plan in a co-productive approach. Guidance on strategic plans can be found on the Scottish Government website (this link will take you away from our website).
Every Integration Authority has to be divided into two or more localities and each locality needs to have its own Locality Plan. The guidance on strategic plans above includes some useful information about locality plans, as does the localities guidance (this link will take you away from our website).