
See below for useful links to our publications, films and further resources on person centred care.
If you have taken part in a Person Centred Voices talk or workshop with project lead Tommy Whitelaw, or are interested to learn more about implementing person centred practices, ‘What Matters To You?’ and building compassionate workplaces, look at our resources below.
Reports and Publications
- ‘Effecting Change’ Publication: case studies on person centred culture change across Scotland.
- Evaluation of 60 ‘Intelligent Kindness’ sessions with 1500 colleagues at Social Security Scotland.
- Read our 5 Steps to Change Flyer – how can we support people, carers and families through ‘What Matters To You?’ and kindness?
- ‘Rights and the Carer Voice’ – read our analysis on 6,000 ‘WMTY Pledges’ from staff reflecting on the difference they can make in their role.
- Read Our Analysis of 480 Carers Letters.
Films and Websites
- Introducing Getting it Right for Everyone (GIRFE) – A short film explaining this new approach to support and services that will support people from young adulthood to end of life care.
- ‘Covid resilience in our care homes’ – A thank you to Glasgow care home staff through art.
- ‘What is Realistic Medicine?’ YouTube playlist, featuring interviews with the CMO for Scotland Sir Gregor Smith and more.
- ‘Creating connection with art and kindness’ – embedding ‘What Matters To You?’ at a day centre in Stirling
- What matters to carers across Scotland?
- ‘No one ever asked’ – Tommy’s experience as a carer
- NHS 24 Patient Experience – Tommy Whitelaw
- ‘It’s ok to ask for help’ – Information on support available in Glasgow for anyone who is a carer
- ‘Collecting life stories’ – letters from families and carers of people with dementia
- ‘What Matters to You?’ Website – understanding what matters to an individual in their life.
- Civility Saves Lives Website – what is the impact of incivility and rudeness on workplaces and relationships?
Become an ALLIANCE Member
Over 3,500 individuals and organisations across Scotland have joined the ALLIANCE to ensure their voices are heard.
Becoming an ALLIANCE member can be done in a few simple steps. More information can be found here.
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