“I feel like there is the expectation that doctors make all the decisions"
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"I had felt like a burden, but my diagnosis meant that weight was lifted."
Continue reading"Because I have a learning disability, I needed support when I was younger, and now I’m older I want to give back to the younger ones. ”
Continue reading"I love sharing my experiences as a lipreader with my classes at Forth Valley Sensory Centre."
Continue readingClare advocates to ensure people have access to essential information and inclusive communication with FVSC.
Continue reading"The Forth Valley Sensory Centre is a big part of my life."
Continue reading"I’ve gone from being almost completely alone to having a social life and a fulfilling job."
Continue reading"But I wonder, for once, why can’t society accept and support the needs of people like me?"
Continue reading"We got it right for Laura because the focus was always kept on Laura - not the budget!”
Continue reading"The amount of paperwork the support staff have been asked to complete has got out of control which takes away precious support time."
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