In this story: Sensory / COVID-19 / Sight loss /

"I try to walk at the side of aisles and be aware of people around me, but some people just walk right next to you."

“The lockdown has been fairly tense for me and my family.  We are thankful that nobody we know has been affected but everybody is still remaining vigilant.  I am handling it OK, but I feel more sorry for the kids.  They are finding it more difficult not socialising outdoors or going to school.  I have to admit, it’s the kids that are keeping me sane.  Helping them with their homework and spending time with them helps to break up the day.

I haven’t been able to work since the middle of March, which has been the hardest thing, but the financial help from the government has been extremely useful.  I suppose the only silver lining is that, as my vision is deteriorating further, I have time to learn JAWS (computer speech software) before I go back to work.  A cyst is growing in my good eye which will require surgery in the very near future, which I am not overly optimistic about given I have had so many procedures already.

I pretty much stay in the house all the time, and only really go out in the back garden or to the supermarket.  AAARRHHH, the supermarket is sooooo annoying.  I can’t believe how many people are still ignorant to social distancing.  I try to walk at the side of aisles and be aware of people around me, but some people just walk right next to you, chat with friends in the middle of the aisle and pick up items next to me.  Even with my symbol cane, I am now having to look down to make sure I don’t bump into anything, look up to see if there is anyone near me and then look around for people near me while I am trying to find what I need.  Needless to say, it is exhausting.  That’s my rant over for today!

I hope everyone is keeping safe and well and I am sure we will come out of this crisis stronger than ever.  If we just hang in there a little bit longer, I know we can make it through.”

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