In this story: Adult Social Care Review /

"Start listening to disabled people. We are the solution, we’re not the problem."

“I’ve had a traumatic experience trying to get the support hours I need to live independently, stay healthy and have a full life like everyone else.

I can’t live fully independently because of the piecemeal support package I have.  My arm movement is limited, I’m at risk of choking and need support to shower, turn in my bed at night and do all my breathing and other exercises, that I have to do, to keep healthy. So, the support I don’t have impacts directly on my health, social, work and family life.

To move my arms and legs, go to the bathroom, take a shower and exercise when I choose; those things are fundamental rights for me to be able to live independently.

I want everything in the system to change. The funding allocated to facilitate someone’s human rights and independence is an extension of healthcare.

Start listening to disabled people. We are the solution, we’re not the problem. If you give people what they need to have a full and healthy life, that in turn has benefits to society as a whole. I think we need to stop thinking that disabled people are supposed to be patronised or locked up in their homes.”

Read the Independent Review of Adult Social Care (this link will take you away from our website).

Read our news item on the Independent Review of Adult Social Care.

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