Marion’s story – Independent Review of Adult Social Care
"We got it right for Laura because the focus was always kept on Laura - not the budget!”
“My eldest daughter Laura is 37 years old and she has what you might describe as profound and multiple learning disabilities and complex health needs. She needs maximum support with every aspect of her life.
Having a personalised budget has made huge positive changes in Laura’s life. She is happier and healthier and she’s able to communicate with us much more than she ever did before.
Previously Laura could have up to 42 different people in her life in one week. There was no way these people could have got to know Laura really well and so often Laura’s limited communication was lost. Now with SDS she employs a small staff team of 6 people who know her so well and have all the time needed to understand what Laura is trying to communicate. What a buzz she gets when she realises that she has actually controlled a situation by vocalising what she wants!
Before SDS Laura often had to fit into the service. Her days were regimented and timetabled to suit others’ needs. For example, staff shifts, transport, the limited provision of the service etc. Each morning Laura was washed, dressed and strapped in her wheelchair by 8.30 regardless of what kind of night she’d had. I could see little chance of Laura ever reaching her full potential with these limitations.
Now every day is about what suits Laura. We now see her having choice and control in her life and much more likely to achieve her potential.
Despite Laura’s significant health problems we hardly ever see a doctor or social worker. Surely this has huge cost savings to these care services. It seems like a win /win situation!
I believe that Laura’s SDS care package has worked so well mostly because whilst Laura’s needs were being assessed the cost wasn’t mentioned. I didn’t want to think of Laura’s life in terms of money.
We got it right for Laura because the focus was always kept on Laura – not the budget!”
Read the Independent Review of Adult Social Care (this link will take you away from our website).
Read our news item on the Independent Review of Adult Social Care.
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