Introduction to the National Collaborative's Change Team are their role in this work.

The Change Team are a group of people who have been recruited to co-design an Action Plan for the National Collaborative.

This Action Plan will include a Charter of Rights for people affected by problem substance use, as well as an Implementation Framework, and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.

It consists of 15 people, including people affected by substance use (rights holders), duty bearers and rights defenders.


Ariane Beaver

Jed Brady

Biba Brand

Kimberley Byron

Margaret Halbert

Thomas Hobbs

Allan Houston

Ailsa McCrae

Susan McGregor

Claire Muirhead

Kevin Neary

Louise Stewart

Jason Wallace

Derek Watt

Claire Longmuir

The Change Team meet every 4 – 6 weeks. Minutes from Change Team meetings are available at the bottom of the page.

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