Mobilisation Recovery Group – People at the Centre
Ensuring a person centred approach to re-mobilisation across health and social care services in Scotland.
The Cabinet Secretary invited the ALLIANCE as a member of the Mobilisation Recovery Group, to lead engagement work with people in Scotland to ensure there is a wide person centred focus from the outset of remobilisation efforts and, from the perspective of people who access support and services, that the voice of lived experience is heard.
To achieve this the ALLIANCE designed the People at the Centre Engagement Programme to inform short and longer term reform of the health and care support system, following the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in Scotland.
The programme captured the lived health and wellbeing experience of the COVID-19 pandemic through a range of engagement activities from September 2020 – December 2020. Over 1000 people across each of Scotland’s 32 local authority areas engaged, and the experiences captured were collated, analysed and had the prominent themes drawn out to inform the programme’s final report “Health, Wellbeing and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Scottish Experiences and Priorities for the Future”.
The Full Report, Executive Summary, Easy Read Executive Summary, Arabic Executive Summary, Polish Executive Summary and Simplified Chinese Executive Summary are also available at the bottom of this page.
Engagement activities included, amongst other elements:
A national conversation on health and care in Scotland
This national conversation sought to engage all parts of Scottish society in a dialogue about the future of health and care in Scotland, to discover what matters to them and to co-produce practical proposals for creating services fit for a ‘New Reality’ post-pandemic.
A Citizens’ Panel Survey
In partnership with HIS Community Engagement the People at the Centre Engagement Programme engaged with people who use health and care services, carers and the public through the Citizens’ Panel.
The People at the Centre Reference Group
The People at the Centre Reference Group was made up of ALLIANCE member third sector health and social care organisations, and delivery partners and stakeholders. Reference group members shared their first-hand knowledge and experience, and access to their wider networks of people with lived experience, to support and inform the re-mobilisation of health and social care services.
Creating a living profile of health inequality challenges and solutions
Working with partners this programme captured the impact the pandemic has had on health inequalities in Scotland’s communities. The programme developed case studies of experience and testimonies, catalogues of the services people are calling on, details of solutions currently being delivered and thematic information relating to health inequalities.
Capturing community resilience best practice.
Case studies were gathered from communities, organisations and individuals, drawing on examples of local resilience shown during COVID-19. These highlighted innovative approaches that have taken place during the pandemic, demonstrating how individuals and communities have drawn upon their individual and collective assets to support the response to COVID-19.
If you would like to hear more about this programme of activity please contact