The ALLIANCE is working with the Third Sector to contribute to the Our Voice framework by supporting engagement and developing networks.

As a key delivery partner of Our Voice the ALLIANCE is working very closely with the Third Sector to ensure that they play a key role in this national programme for engagement and improvement.

A core aim of Our Voice is to increase the amount and quality of opportunities where people can have their say in the design and delivery of services. Vital to this work is building the capacity of those doing engagement to make their work meaningful and impactful.

To this end we are collating various tools and resources that people wanting to do engagement can use to shape their work; such as the Participation Toolkit. The full collection can be found on the the Scottish Health Council website.

Third Sector organisations have told us about challenges they face in maximising the impact of the work they do. Our Voice want to support the wider spread of voices and views gathered by Third Sector organisations.

Contributing to this aim is the Scottish Involvement Network which is a network of people who work within engagement roles in organisations. This Network meets every 3-4 months to share experiences in doing engagement, discuss challenges and opportunities.

If you work in engagement in health and social care and are interested in joining this network please contact