Discussions are still ongoing regarding the Independent Inquiry in Tayside. We will post relevant documents and information here.

The Scottish Parliament debates that led to an agreement to have an inquiry into Tayside Mental Health Services referenced two reports – a 2014 Healthcare Improvement Scotland review of concerns raised on the National Confidential Alert Line and the findings from an unannounced visit to Carseview by the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland in 2017.


Findings and recommendations from a review of concerns presented to the National Confidential Alert Line: NHS Tayside (This link will take you away from our website)


You can download the text from relevant Scottish Parliament debates below.

Official Report of the Meeting of the Scottish Parliament on 3 May 2018 (This link will take you away from our website)

Official Report of the Meeting of the Scottish Parliament on 9 May 2018 (This link will take you away from our website)