Mental health
The ALLIANCE works to ensure mental health law, policy and practice is aligned with human rights standards and principles.
There is growing evidence that people affected by mental health issues in Scotland do not fully enjoy their right to access timely, good quality support. We also know that disabled people, people living with long term conditions and unpaid carers can experience poorer mental health and may have different requirements that affect how they access mental health support and services.
By mainstreaming equalities and human rights in our mental health law and policy we can ensure that people living with mental health issues have a strong voice and enjoy their right to live well, free from discrimination, and with support and services that put them at the centre.
The ALLIANCE has engaged extensively with recent developments in mental health law, policy and practice, through responding to the Scottish Mental Health Law Review, the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and the Suicide Prevention Strategy.
We are also an active member of the Scottish Government’s Mental Health Equality and Human Rights Stakeholder Forum.
For more information on our mental health policy work, please email Lucy Mulvagh, Director of Policy, Research and Impact at