The ALLIANCE has completed engagement work to help shape and inform the Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland.

The ALLIANCE conducted engagement work with members and people across Scotland to inform the Advisory Panel of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care.

From 30 September – 11 November 2020 we captured insight from partners, organisations and people who access social care services, using this person centred focus to help shape and inform the independent review.

The ALLIANCE designed the People at the Centre (Social Care Review) Engagement Programme, which:

  • Listened to the voices of people and organisations across Scotland on the needs, rights and preferences of people who use services, their families and their carers.
  • Designed and delivered an inclusive and diverse programme of engagement and communication activity that ensured people were supported to participate and their voices were heard.
  • Captured learning and feedback on current experiences from people, unpaid carers and third sector organisations – particularly focused around identified care groups.

We delivered this programme of activity in three ways:

  1. We delivered a series of digital engagement events with groups of organisations representing the interests of people who receive, or commission for themselves, social care and support. 
  2. There was an ‘open call’ and online survey (which is now closed) for individuals, families and carers to comment on their experiences of accessing social care and support and what they would like to change or improve. 
  3. There was a facilitation pack for organisations to use for local or targeted events during the consultation period to access the views of individuals, clients, service users and carers.

The ALLIANCE submitted its Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland Engagement Report to the Social Care Advisory Panel, sharing the views and learning of individuals and organisations across Scotland.

Derek Feeley, with the support of the Advisory Panel published the Review report on Wednesday 3 February 2021. To read the Review report, visit the Scottish Government website (this link will take you away from our website).

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