Conversation Cafe resource hub

This area features resources that will support independent hosting of Conversation Cafes on women's health.
The Conversation Cafe toolkit supports groups to set up, host and evaluate regular discussions on women’s health. More information on the toolkit can be found here. You can download a digital copy here. Free print copies are also available on request. Email
In this resource hub you will find up-to-date information on the priorities areas of the Women’s Health Plan from clinical sources, as well as videos, illustrations, and information leaflets for additional information. These can be used to spark discussion.
There are also some resources that will support you with setting up and hosting your own Café.
This hub will be continuously added to – if there is anything that you would find useful to include then please email us at
If you are hosting a regular Cafe locally, then why not add it to ALISS – A Local Information Service for Scotland. This searchable registry will help people in your area find information about your Cafe and how to attend. More info here.
Sparking discussion and providing clinical advice
NHS Inform Women’s Health Platform
NHS can offer clinical advice on the priority areas within the Women’s Health Plan, including menstruation, and menstrual health conditions, menopause, sexual health, and heart health. Information can also be accessed in a number of languages, including BSL and also Easy Read.
How you can use within your Café: You may wish to signpost people to NHS Inform for clinical information, or if discussion focuses on a specific area you can share the content of Inform with the group to aid discussion.
Information videos
There are a number of videos on Inform, created by NHS 24, as well video content produced by the ALLIANCE which spotlight key areas of women’s health.
Menstrual Health (general)
Periods: What’s normal? NHS Inform
How can you manage PMS? NHS Inform
What you need to know about irregular periods NHS Inform
Periods are normal – but what is a normal period? ALLIANCE webinar
Managing menstrual health conditions, ALLIANCE
Everything you need to know about PMS, ALLIANCE webinar
Living with the menopause NHS Inform
Talking menopause with your GP. NHS Inform
Menopause 101, ALLIANCE
Menopause and the workplace, ALLIANCE webinar
Menopause and sexual wellbeing, ALLIANCE webinar
Talking Menopause, ALLIANCE webinar
Specific conditions
Living with Endometriosis. NHS Inform
Endometriosis: A hidden condition. EXPPECT
Understanding Endometriosis, ALLIANCE webinar
PCOS Mythbusting, ALLIANCE webinar
Living with adenomyosis, ALLIANCE
Heart health
Mythbusting women’s heart health, ALLIANCE webinar
Women’s heart health: voices of lived experience, ALLIANCE
Pelvic health
Prioritising pelvic health, ALLIANCE webinar
Women’s pelvic floor muscles, NHS Inform
Planning for pregnancy, NHS Inform
How you can use within your Café : Screen a short video at the start of the Café and use it to prompt discussion. You may also wish to show an excerpt from one of our webinars, or host a longer Café where you share the whole recording and have discussion afterwards.
Menopause graphic collection
The ALLIANCE’s visual resource for menopause, published in partnership with the Scottish Government, provides insight into the diversity of menopausal experience to support women to feel better informed and confident in raising their experience with friends, family, partners, colleagues and GPs.
How you can use within your Café: Share the images at the start of your Café, giving members an opportunity to consider the information within. Open the floor to discussion and reflections. The ALLIANCE has print copies on request – you may wish to have these to pass around. Email us at and we will send you copies.
The ALLIANCE’s visual resource for periods, published in partnership with the Scottish Government, provides insight into the diversity of menstrual health experience to support women to feel better informed and confident in raising their experience with friends, family, partners, colleagues and GPs.
How you can use within your Café: Share the images at the start of your Café, giving members an opportunity to consider the information within. Open the floor to discussion and reflections. The ALLIANCE has print copies on request – you may wish to have these to pass around. Email us at and we will send you copies.
Further images and graphics
Below is a collection of graphics, either used within the Women’s Health Plan, or produced by the ALLIANCE and partners that could support your Café discussion.
Women’s health needs during the life course, Women’s Health Plan pg 18

Women’s Health Plan ambition, Women’s Health Plan pg 12

Menopause symptoms, Women’s Health Plan pg 30

Setting up and hosting your own Café
Conversation Cafe promo poster template
You may wish to use this template to promote your own Cafe. The format is PDF and can be dropped into Paint, Canva or another platform to be edited, or added to a word document.
Women’s Health Plan logo
You may wish to include this on promotion material or other printed material that you use within your Café to connect it to the Women’s Health Plan.

Conversation Cafe image

Being aware of how the Cafe is working for participants will help ensure that your Cafes continue to function as safe and supportive spaces. This form can be downloaded and used to capture regular feedback from participants.
This one sheet summary provides a checklist of things to consider when preparing for and hosting a Cafe.
Designing the session to some degree will allow for some structure. These example session plans can support you to get the most out of the conversation.
These examples of useful conversation prompts can help start or drive forward discussion.
Conversation Cafe case study guidance
The ALLIANCE would like to create an evidence-base that highlights the effectiveness of the Conversation Café model for empowering women with information about their health and encouraging positive attitudes.
In writing a short case study on your work using the Conversation Café for Women’s Health toolkit, you will be helping us to share stories about the value of furthering women’s access to information and support for their health.
Principles for inclusive communication
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