Find the agenda for our upcoming annual conference, Our Voices Matter, on 30 April 2025.

09:00  Arrivals and networking  
09:45 Opening – Pennie Taylor, Conference Chair, health and social care specialist
10:00 Welcome and introductions – Pennie Taylor, Conference Chair, health and social care specialist
10:05 Keynote speaker – Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care  
10:35 Poetry reading – Nuala Watt
10:45 Panel discussion –  How do we ensure human rights, equality, and lived experience are at the forefront of health and social care reform in Scotland? Hear from experts in the field about some of the key challenges facing health and social care and what the future could look like.  

Speakers TBC.
11:35 Break  
11:55 Workshops – To find out more about our workshops, click this link here.
12:45 Lunch   
13:35 Workshops – To find out more about our workshops, click here.
14:30 Break  
14:50 Keynote speaker and questions – Sir Michael Marmot 
15:40 Creative performance – TBC  
15:55 Closing remarks – Pennie Taylor, Conference Chair, health and social care specialist
16:00 End of day