Dementia Carer Voices – Rights and the Carer Voice
- Area of Work:
- Type: Resource
New Dementia Carer Voice 2017 publication, analyses the key themes of the pledges & looks at what stops people fulfilling their pledge.
This publication represents a range of work carried out by Dementia Carer Voices over recent years, but in particular it undertakes a first analysis of our ‘You Can Make a Difference’ campaign, led by UK Project Lead, Tommy Whitelaw.
We have partnered with the NHS NSS, who have analysed the pledges we have received from Health and Social Care professionals and students and identified key emerging themes from what they freely wrote on their pledge cards.
The ALLIANCE is incredibly grateful to the NHS NSS for the fantastic work they have done on the data analysis, especially to Themina Mohammed, who has contributed with her time and knowledge to help us analyse the pledges.
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