A publication about building compassionate communities, featuring case studies.

There is a wealth of activity being undertaken by faith groups across Scotland to promote “connectedness” and to reach out to the most vulnerable in their local communities. Given the historical “parish” nature of faith groups across most religious and geographic settings, they are uniquely well placed to tap into the needs of local communities. This ‘place’ based approach is complemented by an ethos of nurturing meaning and purpose.  The principle of “giving something back” and of activity which enhances a sense of purpose both in the individual and in the local community is central to the work of faith groups.

The Joint Improvement Team (JIT) in partnership with the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) has looked at the context within which many local projects operate to identify key messages, to highlight good practice which can be shared and adapted to local needs and interests and to encourage models that will further tap into resilience and build community capacity.

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