Watch a new film produced by the ALLIANCE that will support the Children's Services Review led by East Ayrshire Council.

In January 2023, we published a report which outlined findings from a research project commissioned by East Ayrshire Council to understand families’ experiences of accessing out of school (or recreational) additional support needs (ASN) services in the local area. The report aimed to inform the Council’s commissioning plan to support children and young people with a high level of need, and their families. Since publication, the Council has been working to embed the recommendations, all of which can be found in the report.

As part of our continued engagement with Senior Leaders, we invited staff and families involved in the report, as well as those engaged in community life in East Ayrshire, to tell us what has changed since the report was published and to learn what we still need to do to meet the needs of children and families.

Sina Currie, Senior Nurse Manager, Integrated Children’s Services is supporting the review. She said: “Our ambition is to do the right thing by our children. We must take a holistic approach to address inequalities and actually give our children the best opportunity to be best that they can be.”

Families told us that there is still much to be done, suggesting that when leaders and decision makers are designing children’s services, they must listen to the people who live it every day – they hold the key for our services to get it right for every child.

This film will feed into the Children’s Services Review led by East Ayrshire Council. Watch the film on the ALLIANCE youtube channel.

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