This gives the first high-level understanding of progress towards the promise made to Scotland's care experienced children and young people.

The Promise Story of Progress has been published, which will give the first high-level understanding of progress towards keeping the promise made to Scotland’s care experience children and young people. 

The Promise Progress Framework, created by The Promise Scotland, The Scottish Government and COSLA, brings together nearly 50 different streams of national data into one place, to start to answer the question on how Scotland is doing towards keeping the promise.

It provides the structure to be able to answer all three questions which together, tell the Promise Story of Progress:

  • How is Scotland doing in its progress towards keeping the promise?
  • How are organisations doing in their work to keep the promise?
  • Does the care community feel the impact of the promise being kept?

This is the first time that this data has been brought together in one place, and allows any individual or organisation to use it in a way that works for them, or to highlight where more work and evidence is needed.

It is a way to better understand the national picture, by seeing all data in one place. This can give users a way to contextualise their own data.

Organisations can use it for their own reporting, by aligning to the vision statements, outcomes and indicators. Other organisations may use it to see where more work is needed to ensure that the promise can be kept.

It won’t create new reporting requirements for organisations who are working to keep the promise.

The data is set out under 10 vision statements. These are taken directly from The Promise Report and set out the vision for where Scotland must be in 2030.

Under each vision statement there are outcomes, which can show measurable changes towards ensuring the vision can happen, which aligns with the overall vision of keeping the promise.

Attached to each outcome there are indicators. These are different types of national level data which show where Scotland was in 2020 when the promise was made, and where it is now, using the latest data. 

You can see the Framework here

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