The ALLIANCE and the Perth and Kinross HSCP launched a report evidencing person-centred change in 10 different organisational settings.

We are please to announce the launch of the joint report of the ALLIANCE and Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), celebrating steps towards person-centred care and compassionate workplaces.

From February 2023 to March 2024, the ALLIANCE, in partnership with Perth and Kinross HSCP, conducted around 75 learning and development sessions. These sessions, inspired by the ‘What Matters to You?’ movement, reached almost 1500 people across the region, emphasising the importance of compassion, active listening, and intelligent kindness in health and social care.

The event at Perth Royal Infirmary highlighted the publication’s 10 success stories, which demonstrate the positive impact of person-centred approaches in various organisational contexts, from care homes to prison services. These stories serve as a testament to the transformational power of asking a simple question: ‘What Matters to You?’

At the celebration event, there was a strong ALLIANCE presence, with our Chief Officer, Sara Redmond, along with Director Strategic Partnerships, External Affairs and Outreach, Irene Oldfather, Person Centred Voices National Lead, Tommy Whitelaw and our Development Officer, Naya Koulocheri, all attending.

Reflecting on the journey so far, Tommy Whitelaw commented: “It is truly inspiring to see the progress Perth and Kinross HSCP has made so far! From an online workshop in May to almost 75 sessions held, a fantastic 1,500 people reached and more than 130 WMTY Ambassadors across the region and a 28-page publication! It is heartwarming to see the dedication and enthusiasm of the team and this is only the beginning! This publication is not just a collection of stories but a blueprint for how we can continue to build compassionate workplaces and deliver person-centred care.”

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