Grace’s aim is to make the place a more knowledgeable and accessible place for people living with long term conditions.

Grace is 11 years old and is a school pupil from Prestonpans in East Lothian. Grace is living with Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease. The condition is painful and requires her to frequently visit the bathroom. Grace uses the accessible toilets as they provide they space and facilities she needs to manage the requirements of her condition.

Grace felt there was a lack of understanding around the use of accessible toilets, they are not only for wheelchair users, yet the sign on the door doesn’t help to depict this message. She had experienced some judgemental looks from the public when seen coming from public bathrooms for people with disabilities so decided to launch her own campaign.

Grace’s Sign campaign

Grace designed a toilet sign that includes both a person in a wheelchair and a standing person with a heart, symbolising people with invisible long term conditions. Grace hopes that her design and campaign will highlight that accessible toilets are not just for wheelchair users and the use of the new sign will spread across Scotland and the rest of the UK.

Grace’s aim is to make the place a more knowledgeable and accessible place for people living with long term conditions.

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