Find out what happened in Tayside during Self Management Week 2017 (2nd - 6th October)

Local information services have come together to promote Self Management Week  on the 4th October at The Health Shop, Ninewells.

NHS Tayside’s Library & Knowledge Services, The Health Shop and the Public Library services in Dundee, Angus and Perth & Kinross are promoting their services alongside other sources of information and support that can help people living with long term conditions.

Having access to information allows people to find out what is right for their condition and them. It can also empower patients to be active in shared decision making about their condition and treatment.

Self management can mean people being:

  • better informed about their condition(s)
  • better prepared for everyday challenges,
  • better supported when they need it

The library services and Health Shops are able to signpost people to quality assured information, tools and educational resources, provide access to resources in other formats for people who have lower literacy levels, may not have English as their first language or have visual impairment.

Find out more about the services on their Facebook pages:

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