Watch the Academy's latest Ambitions case study which explores the role that REACH Advocacy plays in supporting a culture of human rights.

The Health and Social Care Academy has published the next film in the Ambitions in Action series, which highlights the Five Ambitions for the Future of Health and Care. The third film in the series looks at the ‘Be Human’ Ambition using the example of REACH Advocacy and how they are helping to build a culture of human rights through the delivery of education and training.

The Be Human Ambition highlights that we are all human and should be treated with dignity. Everyone can thrive if our rights are protected, defended, and promoted.

In this film we hear about how REACH Advocacy makes rights accessible through the delivery of SQA accredited training for people involved in advocacy. Participants from the programme spoke about how the training provided them with a broader understanding of human rights legislation and health inequalities. The training equipped participants with frameworks to support them to apply human rights based approaches in action including the PANEL Principles and FAIR.

The Academy’s Five Ambitions provide a starting point on our journey to achieving long term, meaningful and sustainable change in health and social care. They are intended to inspire, encourage action, and help identify the steps we need to take for a future where people and wellbeing are at the centre.

You can take a look at our other films in the series:

Measuring Outcomes in Scotland: Ambitions in Action

Reimagining Investment in Scotland: Ambitions in Action

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