Hospice UK are running two surveys into palliative and end of life care as part of their work to address inequity at the end of life.

As part of Hospice UK’s work to address inequity at the end of life, they are exploring palliative and end of life care in remote, rural and island communities across the UK. The project aims to increase understanding of what is important to people living in rural communities at the end of life, explore the challenges and opportunities in delivering palliative care in rural areas, share learning and case studies, and make policy recommendations to improve support for people in rural communities across the four nations.

To help inform the project, They are running two online surveys:

  • One for staff and volunteers providing care and support to people with life limiting conditions in remote, rural and island communities. They are keen to hear from staff across a wide range of roles, including hospice and hospice care at home staff and volunteers, GPs, district nurses, social care staff, pharmacists, ambulance staff, community development workers, community hospital staff and others. Complete the staff and volunteer survey

The surveys are both open until 31 July 2024.

If you would like to hear more about the project, please get in touch with Helen Malo h.malo@hospiceuk.org or Zoe Geer z.geer@hospiceuk.org.

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