We are looking for ALLIANCE Individual members to join the QIPP Collaborative - have your say.

The Quality Improvement in Pharmacy Practice Collaborative (The QIPP Collaborative) brings together key organisations and individual’s to provide strategic guidance on continuous quality improvement in pharmacy services in Scotland. This includes community pharmacy, acute services and primary care.  The QIPP Collaborative adds value by providing strategic insight on the ongoing development and focus of quality improvement in pharmacy in NHS Scotland. Local pharmacy teams provide the day-to-day services in which continuous quality improvement is embedded. NHS boards (both national and territorial) support pharmacy teams to build knowledge, skills and tools for quality improvement, and maximise and share learning.

We are looking for ALLIANCE Individual Members with an interest in pharmacy and improvement to join the QIPP Collaborative and input to the quarterly meetings.  Some work will be completed by email between meetings.  All group members will be given sufficient opportunity for their organisations to comment on and ratify outputs prior to implementation (for example key communications, training tools and methodologies, presentation materials).

If you would like to register your interest, please get in touch with Stevie Cox at stevie.cox@alliance-scotland.org.uk

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