The letter clarifies our role in the group.

Following the final meeting of the National Care Service (NCS) Expert Legislative Group (ELAG) and the publication of the Scottish Government’s Stage 2 draft amendments on the NCS Bill, the ALLIANCE signed a joint letter to the Health, Social Care and Sport (HSCS) Committee with some other ELAG members, clarifying the extent of our involvement in the process. 

The Scottish Government set up the ELAG to benefit from members’ expertise in the development of the NCS legislation. It was also intended to add to the Scottish Government’s engagement with people with experience of accessing and delivering social care support and to meet the HSCS Committee’s recommendation. 

Our intention in the letter is to clarify that our participation in the ELAG is not an indication that we are necessarily individually or collectively supportive of the draft Scottish Government amendments. 

You can read the full joint letter here

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