Tommy talks about how you can get involved in 'What Matters to You?' Day 2018

June 6th is ‘What Matters to You?’ Day. A brilliant initiative founded by our colleagues in Scotland that we at Dementia Carer Voices are proud to incorporate within our You Can Make a Difference campaign, tour and resources. I am very honoured to represent the ALLIANCE and sit on the national steering group.

We absolutely support having a ‘What Matters to You?’ conversation based on the five ‘Must Do With Me’ steps:


If we can flip the conversation away from what’s the matter with you to what and who matters to you we feel we will have better conversations, relationships and care.

Asking and listening to what matters informs around 40% of the nearly 18,000 personal pledges we have received today. It also supports many of the case studies that have turned these pledges into purposeful actions.

Last year, for ‘What Matters to You?’ Day we recorded podcasts and we are keen to support more conversations and case studies this year. If you’re interested in getting involved email us at

Your story, my story, all of our stories matter. So please get in touch with the team if you would like more information on our work, campaigns and tour. Let’s all ask what matters, listen to what matters and do what matters.

For more information you can have a look at the What Matters to You website (this link will take you away from our website).

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