Paul speaks about how people living with dementia can keep themselves safe.

With an estimated £9 Billion lost to scams in the UK each year it is important to recognise tackling scams and protecting people living with dementia from financial harm as a big part of living well with dementia. This is something I am very much aware of in my role in the Prevention Team for East Renfrewshire Council.  I have seen the terrible consequences for victims of scams, but I’ve also seen the benefits of taking relatively simple measures to protect people from nuisance calls and scammers.

Seeing the benefits of scam prevention made me determined to ensure that more is done throughout Scotland to protect vulnerable people from financial abuse. That’s why I am delighted to be the co-ordinator of a new project funded by the Life Changes Trust to work in collaboration with Angus and South Ayrshire Council, to develop a preventative approach to protect people with dementia from financial exploitation.

People living with dementia are at great risk of falling prey to scammers and carers are often very worried about how to prevent their relative becoming a victim of a scam, particularly in the early stages of dementia when a person still has capacity but may not always have sufficient understanding to exercise good judgement.

The aim of this project is to offer people with dementia an individualised, person-centred package to safeguard them from financial exploitation, on the doorstep, by telephone, by mail or online.

Each local authority area will bring together local and national organisations to develop and deliver a package of preventive measures, including practical solutions and various types of useful technology, for example, call blockers. Call blockers screen incoming phone calls and either block any unknown or unauthorised numbers or transfer them to a nominated family member or guardian.

It’s vital that all adults know about what can be done to protect themselves from scams, particularly older adults, as unfortunately it is often older people who are targeted, and scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated. This provides advice if you are worried that you, a friend or a relative may be vulnerable to scams; tired of cold callers at the door and on the phone; looking to hire reputable traders; or want to know how to keep safe and secure in the home and online.

Over the course of our project we are also looking forward to developing more advice and information in a Toolkit. Working together there is a lot we can do to stop the scammers and ensure that there are fewer victims of financial abuse.

If you have been a victim of a scam or want advice about a suspicious contact telephone Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 040506.  If in doubt check it out.


Case Study – Name Changed

John is a proud retired professional who is living independently with dementia. His wife died several years ago and his only daughter lives 30 miles away. A home help arrived at the home one day and noted that 3 men were working on the roof of his property, it transpired they had cold called having noticed a loose roof tile from the road. They initially quoted £80 but had since claimed that the roof needed emergency repairs and the cost had rocketed to £7,500. John was upset and confused and indicated he just wanted to pay the men to get them away as he felt threatened and embarrassed. The home carer contacted the Police and Trading Standards Scam Prevention Team. The alleged workmen cleared off when they realised that the Police were investigating. The Trading Standards Scam Prevention Team then visited John to give him advice on avoiding scammers in future.  It transpired that John was also being targeted by scammers on the phone and via large amounts of mail claiming he had won various prizes. Sadly John had responded to a large number of fraudsters and over £100,000 of his savings had been withdrawn from his account to pay scammers from all over the world. The scam Prevention Team at East Renfrewshire Council worked in collaboration to introduce a person centred prevention package to empower John.

The Result:

  • His daughter became his power of attorney welfare/financial
  • The Prevention Team fitted a free nuisance call blocker to stop all unwanted sales/scam calls
  • No Cold Calling Sticker was displayed on the door
  • A community alarm/telecare system was installed
  • Mail was redirected
  • List of Trusted Traders was supplied to the family
  • Claim went in via the banking ombudsman to reclaim the money lost to scams
  • John has lost no more money to scams and his anxiety levels are drastically reduced. His daughter is also more confident in his ability to maintain independent living.
  • He has joined a local supported art class and feels less isolated.
  • Johns daughter commented

“This package of support has allowed my dad to continue living independently and reduced both of our anxiety levels. Without this he would be in care and its’ his wish to remain at home.”

End of page.

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