The ALLIANCE are seeking views of people with lived experience of using or providing health and social care support.

The ALLIANCE are seeking views on the draft Scottish Learning and Improvement Framework for Adult Social Care Support and Community Health (SLIF).

The focus of the framework is to support improvements in experiences and outcomes for people accessing care and support.

The framework has been co-developed by a steering group that is co-chaired by Scottish Government, COSLA, and SOLACE. The steering group has representatives from organisations with a role or remit to support improvement in social care support and community health. The SLIF sets out the most important areas for improvement in Adult Social Care Support, Social Work and Community Health. It has a set of outcomes to measure improvement by the things that matter to people.

To be effective, it is important that the framework is informed by people who access care support and community health services. The ALLIANCE are holding a series of focus groups to help inform the development of what a positive experience would look like for each outcome.

We would like to talk to people across Scotland who have experience of accessing or providing community health and social care.

There will be 3 different sessions held focussing on different topics related to the framework:

  • Feeling connected in your local community – Monday 9 September 2 pm to 4 pm
  • Feeling actively involved in your own health and wellbeing – Tuesday 10 September 10 am to 12 pm
  • Feeling like your care and support is well coordinated – Wednesday 11 September 2 pm to 4 pm (BSL available)

A fourth session will be held on Thursday 12 September 2 pm to 4 pm to talk with people who work in social care and community health organisations and the third sector.

Focus group will be held on Zoom, to sign up to one or more of the sessions please email us the sessions you would like to attend including any access requirement, alternatively please phone the ALLIANCE office on 0141 404 0231 asking for Kerry Ritchie.

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