Inspiring Scotland has launched a a Scottish Government Learning Disability Support Fund.

The Learning Disability Support Fund aims to sustain and support organisations working directly with people in Scotland with learning disabilities to build a more inclusive society, reduce inequality and provide opportunities for fulfilling lives.

The third sector plays a critical role in improving the lives of people with learning disabilities. This funding is aimed at supporting organisations’ efforts to create a society where people with learning disabilities can lead fulfilling, independent, and active lives as equal citizens.

People with learning disabilities have shared their priorities in recent consultation and research which has shaped the fund aims, which are:

  • A more inclusive society
  • Improved health outcomes for people with learning disabilities
  • People with learning disabilities have a social network and safe relationships

Key information

  • The Learning Disability Support Fund will run from October 2025 to March 2028 (30 months)
  • Total funding available is £1,625,000: £325,000 for the first six months October 2025 to March 2026, and £650,000 per year for the following two years.
  • The total minimum award per organisation will be £75,000 over the award period and the total maximum award per organisation will be £250,000.
  • To apply for this funding, you must be a Scottish not-for-profit organisation
  • The deadline for applications is 12pm (midday) on Wednesday 26 February 2025.

Find out more information and learn how to apply here, on their website.

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