The membership team has sought to review, renew, and refresh the ALLIANCE membership experience.

During 2024, the membership team worked to develop the ALLIANCE’s membership offer, to support members to engage with the ALLIANCE, to build relationships with our members, and to upscale our membership and fortify our collective voice. This began with the Membership strategic plan, which laid out the three core aims membership will be guided by from 2024-2028, which was shared with members on the ALLIANCE website.  
The core aims are to diversify membership, to improve communication and information sharing, and to build strong relationships. These aims support the ALLIANCE to have an engaged membership which sits at the centre of what we do, and shows our members that their views, experiences, and ideas are heard, and represented throughout our work. This strategy benefits both the ALLIANCE and our members.    
To work towards the aims and goals of the strategic plan, the membership team has been active internally to create a membership culture at the ALLIANCE – to support members to contribute to the ALLIANCE’s collective voice.  
The membership team has actioned this strategy through delivering an events package aimed at connecting and upskilling members through training and networking, and supporting ALLIANCE members to have their voices heard through engagement opportunities. Members were upskilled in bid writing, using Artificial Intelligence to enhance marketing and communications, and understanding the UNCRC legislation. Networking took place quarterly, with members attending our ALLIANCE Connect networking sessions, taking the opportunity to speak to their own projects, and connect with other members interested in the same areas. Members were supported to engage with the Scottish Government on the Population Health Framework, to share their views on priorities for this upcoming framework.  
We have focussed on empowering members to know about their membership and the benefits on offer to them, through a refreshed membership handbook, and connecting individually with more members. The membership team have prioritised having conversations about the priorities of our members through listening and responding to the feedback and reflections of members.  
We hope to continue this work into 2025, through refreshing the benefits to reflect those conversations, to continue building stronger relationships with members old and new, to deliver an events package to build skills and confidence, and offer our members new connections across the health and social care sector in Scotland.  

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