As part of this years’ To Absent Friends Festival, The Mitchell Library will be displaying the Essence of a Memory exhibition.

To Absent Friends Week (1 – 7 November) is an annual Scotland-wide festival of remembrance and story-telling which provides an opportunity to remember, to tell stories, to celebrate and to reminisce about people we love who have died.

As part of this years’ To Absent Friends Festival The Mitchell Library will be displaying the Essence of a Memory exhibition.

All kinds of things evoke memories of people who’ve died, and many of them come with an interesting anecdote. 

The ‘To Absent Friends Essence of a Memory’ competitions ran over 2014 to 2016. It challenged people to take a photo and write up to 50 words which together evoke a story or memory of a dead loved one.

This exhibition shows the winning images from 2014 and 2015. They will be displayed in The Mitchell Library as part of the To Absent Friends festival from 1 to 14 November 2024.

Find out more here:

Several other events are being held as part of To Absent Friends Week:

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