Find out about the program launched by Scottish Ballet and the Jameel Arts & Health Lab and how your organisation can get involved.

Scottish Ballet and the Jameel Arts & Health Lab have announced their national campaign with global reach in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO). This campaign will launch on the 19th August 2024 as part of the Edinburgh International Festival 2024. Healing Arts Scotland 2024 is a country-wide week-long activation celebrating and advocating for improved physical, mental and social health through the arts. It will be produced in partnership with a national coalition of organisations across culture, science, health, education, and government.

The aim of the week is to mobilise and strengthen local arts and health projects and organisations to address Scotland’s current health concerns, focusing on four priority areas where existing evidence demonstrates the arts can have a measurable impact: loneliness & isolation, mental health in younger people, dementia, and mental health in prisons.

Alongside Scottish Ballet and the Edinburgh International Festival, current partners helping to shape the week include Luminate, the Health and Social Care Alliance (the ALLIANCE), Intercultural Youth Scotland, Scottish Opera, Sistema Scotland, National Galleries of Scotland, International Teaching Artists Collaborative, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Imaginate, Indepen-dance, Mental Health Foundation Scotland, Tonic Arts, The University of Edinburgh and Arts Culture Health & Wellbeing Scotland.

Other organisations and groups are now invited to join Healing Arts Scotland by registering their proposed activity, project or event. You can sign up on Healing Arts Scotland‘s website.

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